#SELFDESN. Self Descriptive Number

Self Descriptive Number

A positive integer m is called "self-descriptive" in base b, where b≥2 and b is an integer, if:

i) The representation of m in base b is of the form (a0a1...ab-1)b

(that is m=a0bb-1+a1bb-2+...+ab-2b+ab-1, where 0≤ai≤b-1 are integer)

ii) ai is equal to the number of occurences of number i in the sequence (a0a1...ab-1).

For example, (21200)5 is "self-descriptive" in base 5, because it has five digits and contains two 0s, one 1s, two 2s, and no (3s and 4s).

(21200)5 = (1425)10 so 1425 is "self-descriptive" number.

Given n(1 ≤ n ≤1018)and m (1 ≤ m ≤ 109), your task is to find the n-th smallest "self-descriptive" number.


The first line there is an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 105).

For each test case there are two integers n and m written in one line, separated by a space.


For each test case, output the n-th smallest "self-descriptive" number, (output the number in base 10) modulo m.


1 1000
2 1000




100 is "self descriptive" number in base 4: (1210)4

136 is "self descriptive" number in base 4: (2020)4


Time limit ~230x My program speed: Click here to see my submission history and time record for this problem

See also: Another problem added by Tjandra Satria Gunawan