#SEQ1. 01 Sequence

01 Sequence

The input consists of exactly 5 test cases in the following format:


N A0 B0 L0 A1 B1 L1 [3<=N<=1000,1<=A0<=B0<=L0<=N,1<=A1<=B1<=L1<=N]


Exactly 5 lines,each contains:

a) A N-character sequence (We name it S) consisting of only characters '0' and '1' and no extra whitespaces, which satisfy the following conditions:

  • The number of '0' in any consecutive subsequence of S whose length is L0 is not more than B0 and not less than A0.
  • The number of '1' in any consecutive subsequence of S whose length is L1 is not more than B1 and not less than A1.


b)A single number -1,if the sequence which satisfies the conditions above doesn't exist.


6 1 2 3 1 1 2
[and 4 test cases more]

Output: 010101 [and 4 test cases more]
