#SHAKILKEYWORD. Keyword Finder

Keyword Finder

Nahid bhai is a principal software engineer of a renowned software company. Rumman is an associate software engineer of that company. One day Nahid bhai assigned a task to Rumman. The task is to find all keywords from a given string. A keyword is a word that contains at least one “#”. A word may contain other letters and punctuations. Given string will be split based on some delimiters. Rumman is so busy learning cutting edge technology for developing a project. So he assigned this task to you. You as a programmer will do the same thing.

For example: Given string is “Here are some fruit name: #apple, #banana, #orange.”. Delimiters are “|$ *@.&\"!^,?”. So, the words containing “#” will be: “#apple”, “#banana”, “#orange”.

Delimiters are, fixed for all string: “|$ *@.&\"!^,?”.


Input starts with the number of test cases, T (1 <= T <= 10).

Each line contains a string consisting letters and punctuations. (1 <= |string| <= 100).


For each test case, print the keywords in a new line. If no keywords found, then print “No keywords.”


ab#c def#.
Abcde fghij

abc.efg#ijk #lMn.

Output: ab#c def# No keywords. efg#ijk #lMn
