#SPEEDCAM. Speed Camera

Speed Camera

Rin is a student in programming course. She is going to make a game. But, she is a bit concerned about optimization. Please help Rin in making a game!

This game is very simple. It is called speed camera game. Speed camera is a tool that's used to capture speed of vehicle. The world is represented as X-Y cartesian coordinate system. There are N speed camera placed on (x, y) position. Each camera has R value which is a detection range (R is float and a radius from (x,y) forming a circle). There are M vehicle are a accelerating and at specific position (Vx, Vy), get detected by a speed camera. Find out which speed camera detects the vehicle!


First line, given N (1 <= N <= 10^5). 

2nd to (N+1)-th line, given x y R (1.0 <= R <= 20.0, -20000 <= x <= 20000, -20000 <= y <= 20000)

(N+2)-th line, given M (1 <= M <= 100)

For the next M line, given Vx and Vy (-20000 <= Vx <= 20000, -20000 <= Vy <= 20000)


For each M, print index of the speed camera which detected the vehicle. If there are more than 1 speed camera detecting the vehicle, print index of the speed camera which is closer to the vehicle. Print -1 if the vehicle is not detected by any speed cameras.


1 2 10.0
10 3 8.0
1 -5 10.0
5 5
10 15
-5 -5

Output: 0 -1 2
