#SPHIWAY. Two "Ways"
Two "Ways"
There are N places and M bidirectional way. No two places have more than one direct way. Ana wants to walk from S to T and return to S by a itinerary that satisfy:
- No way can be go twice.
- Length of itinerary is the minimum.
Line 1: 4 integers: N, M, S, T (N <= 104; M <= 105)
Next M line: Line i include 3 integers ui, vi, ci: distance of two places ui and vi is ci. (ci <= 2000000000).
Length of the itinerary if it exists. Else print -1.
5 7 1 5
1 2 3
1 4 8
2 3 5
2 4 4
3 5 5
4 3 8
4 5 3