#SUMDEC2. Sum the Decimal-part II
Sum the Decimal-part II
A much easier version of this problem can be found here-SUMDEC1. In case you haven't tried it out, try the first part.
In this problem, you are given a number. You need to output the sum of the first 1000 decimal places of the square-root of the number (ignore the integral part).
For example-if the given number is 2. The square-root of 2 is 1.4142135623..... So, ignore the number before decimal (1 in this case) and add the first 1000 digits after decimal and output them as result. (4482 in this case.
NOTE-If the number is a perfect square, the output should be 0.
the first line of input consist of t (the number of test cases).
t lines follow-Each line consist of a non-negative integer n.
Output in separate lines the result corresponding to integer n.
1 <= t <= 1001 <= n <= 100000
Input: 2 4 2</p>Output: 0 4482