#SUMSUM. Enjoy Sum with Operations
Enjoy Sum with Operations
You are given N numbers of the array (N <= 100000), all less than 10^8 and greater than 0.
Now, you are given 2 queries:
- "1 x i" : Change the i-th number to x. (0 <= x <= 10^8)
- "2 Op i1 i2": Compute the sum of all two elements taken at a time within index i1 to i2(both inclusive) under the operation Op. Op could be XOR,OR or AND.
For example, let N=4, Query=3 and "10 20 30 40" be the Initial array.
2 OR 1 3 1 0 1 2 OR 1 3
2 OR 1 3--> (10 OR 20) + (20 OR 30) + (10 OR 30) 1 0 1 --> Now array becomes 0 20 30 40 2 OR 1 3--> (0 OR 20) + (20 OR 30) + (0 OR 30)
Input: 4 3 10 20 30 40 2 OR 1 3 1 0 1 2 OR 1 3</p>Output 90 80
NOTE: If i1 is equal to i2, always output 0.