#TPORT. Teleport
Little Aron has to visit the planets of one system. Imagine that the planets are ordered in line and labeled with the numbers 1, ..., n.
Aron has n-1 teleports labeled with 1, 2, ..., n-1. The teleport labeled with t could transmit only once, one human from a planet labeled with m to the planets with label m+t or m-t, if such planet exists. Using a space-stop Aron could go to the planet labeled with k, i.e. he starts his journey from a planet with a label k. For the given n and k you have to find the best way Aron can use the teleports in order to visit as many different planets of the system, as possible.
First line containts two integers, n and k (1 <= k <= n <= 1 000 000).
Output should contain indices t, of the teleports that Aron used, in the order in which he used them. Moreover you have to output t if he used the teleport to jump from a planet with the smaller number to a planet with a higher, and -t if he jumped from a planet with a higher number to a planet with a smaller number.
If there are several solutions with the same number of teleports, you can output any one of them.
6 2
4 -5 3 -1 2
NOTE - A simpler version of this task appeared on ITI 2012, Shumen.