#VECTAR8. Primal Fear
Primal Fear
Changu and Mangu are afraid of prime numbers, but they are not afraid of all prime numbers. They were afraid of only a special kind of prime numbers. They are afraid of the prime numbers (without the digit zero, they love all the primes which have digits 0 in them) that remain prime no matter how many of the leading digits are omitted. For example, they are afraid of 4632647 because it doesn't have the digit 0 and each of its truncations (632647, 32647, 2647, 647, 47, and 7) are primes.
You are given a simple task, given a number of N, find out the number of primes not greater that N, that changu and mangu are afraid of.
The first line contains T, the number of test cases. T lines follow, each containing a number N.
On each line print the number of primes not greater that N, that changu and mangu are afraid of.
Input: 3 2 3 4</p>Output: 1 2 2
T ≤ 10^5
1 ≤ N < 10^6