#VZLA2019D. Drawing Polygrams

Drawing Polygrams

Drawing stars on the last page of a notebook is a very entertaining hobby. Did you know these cute "stars" are actually called polygrams?

Given a regular polygon with p vertices, we define a polygram p/q, as the resultant polygon obtained after connecting every i-th vertex with the (i+q)-th vertex.

You may know the polygram 5/2 as pentagram

Another example is the hexagram 6/2. Given that 6 and 2 are not coprime, this polygram is composed by two 3/1 polygrams

Star polygons
Given a regular polygon with p vertices, its radius R (the distance from its center to any vertex) and a number q, can you calculate the area of the polygram p/q?

It is guaranteed that the resultant polygon will not be degenerated, i.e q ≠ p/2 and q ≠ p


The first and only line of the input contains three integers p, q and r


Print in a single line the area of the resultant polygram p/q with radius r. Print the answer with exactly five decimal places


5 4 2

Output: 9.51057

10 4 5



3 ≤ p ≤ 103
1 ≤ q < p
1 ≤ r ≤ 100
q ≠ p/2 and q ≠ p