#WORMS. Play with Digit Seven
Play with Digit Seven
A natural number x is called a good number if one or two of the next two conditions is satisfied:
- 7 is a divisor of x.
- 7 is a digit of x.
Write a program that:
- reads a number n from the standard input,
- computes the number of good numbers in range[1,10n],
- writes the result to the standard output.
Solve the problem by at most 0.5kB of source code.
The input begins with an integer t(t<= 210), the number of test cases.t test cases follow.
For each test case, the first and only line contains an integer n (1<=n<=500).
For each test case the output consists of one line that contains the answer.
Sample input: 3 1 2 1</p>Sample output: 1 30 1