#P2022A. Love Median

    ID: 112 Type: Default 1000ms 256MiB Tried: 24 Accepted: 5 Difficulty: 8 Uploaded By: Tags>福建师范大学第19届程序设计竞赛

Love Median

Love Median

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Problem Statement

Median plays a very important role in mathematics. Frank has studied the median for a long time. Frank is dazed by a sequence AA. Frank thinks the problem of finding the median of sequence A is too easy. Now, he's going to make the problem a little bit hard.

First, in this problem, we define the median of a sorted sequence XX which length is NN as : X1+N+12X_{\lfloor \frac{1+N+1}{2} \rfloor}.

Let nn be the length of sequence AA. For each pair (l,r)(l,r) (1lrn)(1\leq l\leq r\leq n), We make a new array BB with Al,Al+1,...ArA_l,A_{l+1},...A_r and sort it from small to large. Let ml,rm_{l,r} be the median of the new array BB. We will list ml,rm_{l,r} for all pairs (l,r)(l,r) to create a new sequence MM and sort it from small to large again. Find the median of MM.


The first line contains one integers n(1n105)n(1\leq n\leq 10^5).

The second line contains nn integers denoting A1,A2,...,AnA_1,A_2,...,A_n.


Print a single integer, denoting the answer to the question.

10 30 20
5 9 5 9 8 9 3 5 4 3


For the first example the new sequence MM is 10,30,20,30,30,2010,30,20,30,30,20. The median of it after sort is 3030.